Treasure 1


This Treasure represents a most distinctive and flamboyant plant group and one that I have always admired.

Brooch, pendant, stand alone art piece, oxidised silver, stainless steel



  1. With over 300 individual species this treasure represents one of Australia’s most popular plant groups.

  2. This plant group is a member of the Protea family and is very closely related to Banksias and Waratahs.

  3. The species within this group range from low ground covers to large trees, with medium to large shrubs in between.

  4. The evergreen foliage produced by these plants vary greatly between species. From small oval shaped leaves to larger fern like leaves that range from lighter yellow green/ grey green to lush deep greens.

  5. The plant group’s most distinctive feature is its vibrant flowers. They come in a vast array of forms and sizes and can resemble one of three things, a brush, spider or a toothbrush.

  6. At a glance, one might think that the colourful form seen on tip of this plants branches is one flower. However, if you look more closely you will see that each of these forms actually contains 10 to 100’s of individual flowers.





Foliage from 4 different species


3 individual flowers from one species


While you are working out your answers keep in mind that the piece that you see before you is an artist (my) interpretation and is not a direct replica of the plants that it represents. I simplified various details and have enlarged some key features of the plant to emphasize their significance.

And remember, your answer should be submitted as the botanical name of the plant group, as opposed to its common name. For example, common name = Wattle and botanical name = Acacia.

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