Treasure 2
These popular plants are doted all over the Northern Beaches, standing out from the natural and manmade landscape with their distinctively shaped and vibrantly coloured flowers.
Brooch, pendant, stand alone sculptural piece, oxidised silver, stainless steel
This beautiful plant group contains around 40 species which belong to the Myrtle family.
It is a group of evergreen plants that mostly range from small to large shrubs with a small number of tree species.
These plants are very closely related to the well known paper bark species (Melaleuca plant group). This is quite evident when comparing the visual features of these two plant groups.
Each species within this plant group produce distinctive elongated oval foliage. These leaves grow to the very tip of each branch, which characteristicly finishing with a little spay of leaves that protrude from the ends of each flower .
The most striking aspect of these plants are their brightly coloured flowers, which occur in a wide range of colours, more commonly in red. Interestingly, these colours come from their many long, fine stamen rather than their petals which are small and inconspicuous.
At first glance these flowers appear to be one flower, though, on closer inspection you will find that they are actually made up of manny small flowers closely aligned at the tip of the plants branches.
The combined form of these multiple flowers look very much like the brushes you would use to clean narrow necked bottles and glasses.
Group of Paperbark trees
Foliage from 2 different species
Three flowers from one species
While you are working out your answers keep in mind that the piece that you see before you is an artist (my) interpretation and is not a direct replica of the plants that it represents. I simplified various details and have enlarged some key features of the plant to emphasize their significance.
And remember, your answer should be submitted as the botanical name of the plant group, as opposed to its common name. For example, common name = Wattle and botanical name = Acacia.
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